Recoder lesson in Abu Dhabi

Recorder Lessons

Recorder is an instrument which is suggested by academicians to introduce music to children in the easiest way. At our music school,  recorder lessons are organized to be easy and enjoyable and the students will start playing their first song in just few weeks. Our teachers ensure that the lessons are kept simple & fun so that the students love the classes and remain inspired musically.

Learning recorder might trigger the passion in you to learn more demanding wind or brass instruments such as flute, saxophone, clarinet and French horn.

Recorder Student at our music institute

The recorder is a member of the woodwind musical family, which traces its origin to the 14th century. It was used mainly in classical music during Renaissance and Baroque periods, but slowly gained its popularity as a great Music Educational Tool in the modern era. Notable players include Frans Brüggen, Maurice Steger, Piers Adams, Erik Bosgraaf, Genevieve Lacey etc.

Recoder lesson in Abu Dhabi

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